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Match Opportunity

Mark & Allison Allyn have put up a $5000 match for Steps! Thank you so much Mark & Allison, for your enduring support of Steps to Success. 

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Thanks to our amazing supports, the match has been met. However, there's still time to help us meet our fundraising goals. Donate below to step up for our students.  ls. 

If you have any questions email or call (617) 713-5310. 

Match Opportunity Has Ended

Thank you for your interest in the $10,000 match opportunity! 

Thanks to our amazing supporterss, we have been able to meet the $10,000 match. 

Check back on Tuesday, May 8th for another donor match opportunity. 

Thursday, May 11 - Virtual Paddle Raise

Welcome to the Final Day of our Step Up Celebration! Thank you for accompanying us on this journey to highlight our incredible students and staff.

We are now only $X000 away from reaching our fundraising goal! 


We end our Celebration asking you to give generously to our Virtual Paddle Raise. Here’s our Board Chair, Rachel Goodman:

Below is a listing of what it costs to run various Steps program. We appreciate anything you can do to help us meet our fundraising goals.

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A final reminder that the Sports Auction and Heart of Brookline Raffle close tonight at 11:59PM!

Thanks so much for supporting Steps to Success!

Special Thanks to:

  • WCVB for generously donating a photographer and editor for both Herbie’s Story and Karina’s Story

  • Producer Jan Stager Cohen

  • Brookline Interactive Group and Adam Sayre for the production of several of our videos and our post production

Wednesday, May 10 - Karina's Story

Welcome to Day 10 of our Step Up Celebration!

First and foremost:

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With your incredible support we were able to meet yesterday's $5000 donation match. 

We are now just $15,000 away from our $175,000 fundraising goal for the Step Up Celebration! And what better way to get you inspired than watching Karina’s story:

This past week you have heard many stories of our Steps students, and today, we hope to show how the circle closes. Meet Karina Da Rosa: former Steps student, now mentor, school nurse, and Steps to Success Board Member. We hope you will agree that her story makes it all come together.

Tomorrow, on our final day of Step Up, we are transporting you to a Virtual Paddle Raise. Get ready to help us with our final push to raise as much as we can for educational equity in Brookline.


And don’t forget: just one more day to join the Step Up Celebration Sports Auction. Click below for a chance to get tickets to Boston’s sports teams. The auction closes at 11:59PM tomorrow, May 11.

You can still buy tickets to our Heart of Brookline Raffle:

And if you missed our earlier videos, you will want to see Herbie’s Story, our look at Team Building as seen through our middle schoolers, and In Their Own Words, featuring Steps Alums!

A special thanks to WCVB-TV for generously donating a photographer and editor for Karina's Story.

Tuesday, May 9 - Another Donor Match!

Welcome to Day 9 of our Step Up Celebration! 

Thanks to you, we met our $10,000 match, generously donated by Harry Gold and Joyce Jozwicki.

We are so excited to tell about our second match: $5000 from Mark and Allison Allyn. We thank you so much, Mark and Allison, for your generosity with this match, and for your ongoing support of our programs!

Help us meet the challenge and donate today to make your dollars go even further.

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Some of our Steps team members wanted to thank you themselves for your incredible generosity:

And don’t forget you only have TWO more days to bid on our Boston Sports Package featuring Bruins, Red Sox, Celtics, and Patriots tickets:

Click below to purchase Heart of Brookline Raffle tickets with gift cards to many of Brookline’s most beloved businesses:

And if you missed our videos from last week, you will want to see Herbie’s Story, our look at Team Building as seen through our middle schoolers, and In Their Own Words, featuring Steps alums.

Monday, May 8 - In Their Own Words

Welcome to Day 8 of our Step Up Celebration!


Today you get to hear from some extraordinary members of our community. Each of them participated in Steps to Success and now they are working in wonderful careers. Steps helped each of them in different ways, but support and mentorship are common themes.

You can support Steps in so many ways!


Click below to bid on our spectacular Sports Auction featuring the Red Sox, Celtics, and Patriots:

Click below to purchase Heart of Brookline Raffle tickets with gift cards to many of Brookline’s most beloved businesses:

And if you missed our videos from last week, you will want to see Herbie’s Story and our look at Team Building as seen through our middle schoolers.

Sunday, May 7 - Reminder: Sports Auction & Heart of Brookline Raffle

We hope you have had a restful weekend! 

As we launch into Week 2 of Step Up, we want to remind you that you can still bid on Boston sports tickets in our Sport Auction and buy tickets for our Heart of Brookline Raffle

Join us Monday to hear Steps alums describing the impact of Steps on their lives In Their Own Words. 

Saturday, May 6 - Catching Up, Looking Ahead

Catching up on Step Up? We got you covered!

Below you will find an interactive calendar in which you can find all Step Up posts from the past week.

We are also excited to give you a preview of Week 2 of Step Up:

  • Hear from Steps alumni, In Their Own Words, talking about how Steps impacted their lives

  • Meet a Steps student who is now on the board and gives back as a mentor to other Steps students

  • Be transported to a Virtual Paddle Raise

Finally, we are happy to announce we have completed our $10,000 match from Harry Gold and Joyce Jozwicki. Thank you to Harry, Joyce, and all the generous donors who made this possible!

We have reached our  $10,000 goal!





Friday, May 5 - Sponsor and Community Partner Recognition Day!

Welcome to Day 5 of our Step Up Celebration!


We are so very grateful to our incredible sponsors—businesses and individuals who are committed to educational equity in Brookline. Take a look at the list below and make sure to thank the people you see who are so generously donating to Steps. There’s still time to add your name to our list of sponsors!

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In addition we'd like to recognize our Community Partners, whose support throughout the years makes our mission possible!

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In addition to sponsoring and partnering with Steps, there are a number of ways to support us! You can donate, join our Sports Auction by bidding on tickets to local teams, or buy tickets for our Heart of Brookline Raffle: 

Finally, you can support Steps by learning more about our organization and our impact. If you missed our videos from the past week, you will want to see Herbie’s Story and our look at Team Building.

Thursday, May 4 - Team Building

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Welcome to Day 4 of our Step Up Celebration!

Thanks to your incredible support we were able to meet yesterday's match! 

Yesterday the Family of Harry Gold and Joyce Jozwicki put up a $10,000 donation match. Our sincere thanks to Harry, Joyce, and all of our supporters that allowed us to meet the match. With one more week to go in the Step Up Celebration, there is still time to help us meet our fundraising goals. 

Steps to Success focuses on the whole student and provides opportunities outside the classroom to expose our students to the broader world. A team building Outdoor Explorations trip to the New Hampshire mountains this winter was a metaphor for the chances our students have to find their true potential.


Click below to see what Team Building means to our students:

Steps to Success, Inc. provides extended learning programs through After Hours University for 3rd–6th graders, Teen Advantage for middle school students, and Work Connections and college/post-secondary focus for high school students. Our College Success Initiative works to help students navigate everything from financial aid to career advice, providing mentoring throughout college. Our students have a 90% graduation rate within 4-6 years, far above the national average of 15% for low-income students.

Speaking of Team Building, we also have an exciting Sports Auction update! In addition to 2 Patriots tickets, 4 Red Sox tickets, and 2 Celtics tickets, we recently added 3 Bruins tickets to the auction. We'd like to give our profound thanks to the organizations and supporters who have donated tickets. There is still one week to participate in our auction and potentially win tickets: 

And if you love to shop and eat in Brookline, click below to buy tickets for our Heart of Brookline Raffle:

Wednesday, May 3 - We Have a $10,000 Match Opportunity!

Welcome to Day 3 of our Step Up Celebration! 

Today we are excited to tell you about an incredible match opportunity from Steps supporter Harry Gold.

The Family of Harry Gold and Joyce Jozwicki has put up a $10,000 match for Steps which we’d like to meet in the next 72 hours! 


Harry is a proud Brookline High School graduate; his mother, Joyce, was a School Committee member and longtime volunteer in the schools. 


Thank you so much, Harry and Joyce, for helping students achieve their post-high school goals through scholarships, internships, and career development support. This incredibly generous match means the money you donate today is doubled!

And don’t forget our Sports Auction featuring tickets for three of Boston’s teams:

And if you love to shop and eat in Brookline, click below to buy tickets for our Heart of Brookline Raffle:

If you missed Herbie’s Story on Monday, click here to see why your donations really matter. 

Tuesday, May 2 - Sports Auction & Heart of Brookline Raffle 

Welcome to Day 2 of our Step Up Celebration!


Today we offer you two fantastic ways to give to Steps and potentially get something in return.

Attention Boston sports enthusiasts: you have a chance to bid on tickets to three of Boston’s amazing sports teams in our Sports Auction.


Click here to place your bid! The auction will close at 11:59pm on May 11th. 

Our Heart of Brookline Raffle packages up gift cards from many of Brookline’s most popular stores and restaurants, including Putterham Grille, Tiny Hanger, & Brookline Booksmith. 


Click here to see our packages and purchase your raffle tickets! Raffle ticket sales will end at 11:59pm on May 11th. 


If you missed yesterday’s posting of Herbie’s Story, click here to learn why your donation really makes a difference in ending the cycle of poverty in Brookline.

Monday, May 1 - Herbie's Story

Welcome to Day 1 of our Step Up Celebration!


This event is a time to celebrate the incredible work of our students and staff and guarantee the future success of our programs, thanks to donors like you.

If there was ever a story that embodies the mission and hopes of Steps to Success, it’s the story of Herbie Torres. His is the universal story of Steps—helping to break the cycle of poverty, one child at a time.

Click below to see Herbie’s Story:

Herbie is one of the 90% of Steps students in our college success program who graduate within 4–6 years, far above the national average of 15% for low-income students.


We hope Herbie’s Story inspires you to give generously to help the next generation of our Steps students follow Herbie’s path!

A special thanks to WCVB-TV for generously donating a photographer and editor for this piece.

Friday, April 28 - Countdown to Step Up

We are so excited to get our Virtual Step Up Celebration going next week! From May 1-11 you’ll get to meet our incredible students and staff and learn how your donations make a real difference. We’ll be connecting by email and through social media and we hope you’ll share our stories with your networks.


Also, tune in to WCVB’s Cityline this coming Sunday April 30th at noon where our own soon-to-be UMass Boston graduate Herbie Torres and Steps Alum and Board Member Karina Da Rosa will be featured as the program explores educational equity.

Catching up on Step Up? We've got you covered!
Click below to see what you may have missed:


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Herbie’s Story


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Sports Auction & Heart of Brookline Raffle 


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We Have a $10,000

Match Opportunity!!



Team Building


Sponsor and Community

Partner Recognition Day!


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In Their Own Words


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Another Donor Match!


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Karina's Story


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Virtual Paddle Raise

Catching up on Step Up? We've got you covered!
Click below to see what you may have missed:


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