The Family Engagement program provides comprehensive support for the parents, caregivers, and siblings of Steps youth through community-building, leadership development, and resource referral.
We understand the family as a child’s first and most important environment and also recognize the many stressors that parents and families are confronted with daily. Central to our work is the conviction that all people deserve access to safe and affordable housing, nutritious food, and quality education. Our family engagement work seeks to assist parents and caregivers in navigating the barriers to accessing these rights.
To help build community and a support network for families, we hold events throughout the year including Family Dinners and Resource Nights, where parents and caregivers can meet and mingle, as well as learn about various service-providing and advocacy organizations in Brookline and Greater Boston. The Parent & Caregiver Council is also an opportunity for the adult members of Steps families to build deeper relationships with one another, improve their leadership skills, and help direct the vision and path of the organization. The Council meets monthly via Zoom.

Resource information is always available on our website on the “For Families - Resources” page, with categories including food, housing, legal services, transportation, and more. Seasonal or time-limited resources such as training programs and events are part of the monthly Family Engagement & Resource Newsletter, sent via email on the first Thursday of every month. If you do not currently receive the newsletter but would like to, please sign up here!
Are you interested in getting more involved? Or do you have suggestions about content or resources for the website or newsletter? Please contact Kai Rasheed-Rosenfield, Family Engagement Coordinator, at krosenfield@stepstosuccessbrookline.org.